Summary: The IDX Listing Summary widget displays listings from the MLS system. You can select the type of listings using the Saved Search drop list which pull IDX links (based on saved searches) from the FlexMLS account. The IDX Listing Summary widget is one of the best widgets for SEO
- Title: Allows you to specify a title for the IDX Listing Summary widget (optional).
This Will appear above the search results on the page.
- Default View: If you have a Google Maps API Key inserted in your site you can display a Map View on the Search Results Page or the standard List View:
- Sort By: Choose the default sort for your widget:
Preset Filters
- Saved Search: Select an IDX link based on a saved search from the FlexMLS account the plugin was purchased under. See our Saved Searches/IDX Links page for steps on created a saved searches and IDX links in flexmls. If you select (None) it will use the Default link set in FlexmlsIDX > Settings > Behavior
- Filter By: You can filter the listings either by a specified location or you can choose to just display your listings or your office’s listings. (Location is default)
- Property Type: Filter listings by a specific property type.
- Property Sub-Type: Filter listings by a specific property sub-type (not available in all MLSs).
- Location: If you have chosen a Saved Search above you can skip this setting. This setting will give you the option to specify one location (city, zip, My Overlay) for which you’d like to display listings. If you need to select multiple locations, you can accomplish this by creating an IDX link and applying it to the widget:
- Display: With this setting, you can choose to display All listings, New, Recent Price Changes, Open Houses, or (if your MLS allows solds in IDX) Recent Sales.
Version 1
Title: Allows you to specify a title for the IDX Listing Summary widget (optional).
Saved Search: Select an IDX link based on a saved search from the flexmls account the plugin was purchased under. See our Saved Searches/IDX Links page for steps on created a saved searches and IDX links in flexmls.
Filter By: You can filter the listings either by a specified location or you can choose to just display your listings or your office’s listings. (Location is default)
Property Type: Filter listings by a specific property type.
Property Sub-Type: Filter listings by a specific property sub-type (not available in all MLSs).
Location: If you selected location in the filter option above, you will have an option to specify one location (city, zip, My Overlay) for which you’d like to display listings. If you need to select multiple locations, you can accomplish this by creating an IDX link that includes the listings for those locations.
Display: With this setting, you can choose to display All listings or just the New, Recent Price Changes, Open Houses, or (if your MLS allows solds in IDX) Recent Sales.
Default View: In Version 3.8 we added the option for you to display the Listings or Map by default in the Listing Summary.
Sort By: listings by price (high to low or low to high) as well as the default of most recently updated first.