IDX Slideshow


The IDX Slideshow widget displays a slideshow of IDX listings from the MLS system.

  • There is an example of the IDX Slideshow widget on this page.


  • Title: You can specify a title for your slideshow widget with this setting, (e.g., Fireplace Homes).

  • IDX Link: This setting controls what flexmls IDX link (from your IDX Manager in flexmls Web) will be displayed when visitors click on one of the listings or links in the slideshow to see more details. As discussed in the installation instructions, we recommend using the default link you set up when you installed the plugin. Using the default allows you to easily change all your widgets just by changing the default link specified under the Settings for the flexmls IDX plugin.
    The IDX search is a good case where you might want to specify a link different than the default to further customize your search.  For example, even though the search widget only displays a few fields for the user to change, you can specify any other fields you want from the MLS in your IDX link and those fields will apply to the search even though the user hasn’t set them.  For example, if your MLS has a field or fields for foreclosure listings, you can create an IDX saved search with those fields already entered and saved and then use that IDX saved search link for your search widget and all the searches from that widget will automatically be limited to foreclosures without the user having to specify those fields.  See above regarding the Title setting for how to title your search widget appropriately.

  • Slideshow Dimensions: This setting controls the number of listings displayed horizontally and vertically.

  • Size of Slideshow:  Select the width (in pixels) of the slideshow.

  • Slideshow On/Off:  This setting controls whether the listings auto-rotate or not.

  • Filter By: You can filter the listings either by a specified location or you can choose to just display your listings or your office’s listings. (Location is default)

  • Property Type: Filter listings by a specific property type.

  • Location:  If you have chosen a Saved Search above you can skip this setting. This setting will give you the option to specify one location (city, zip, My Overlay) for which you’d like to display listings. If you need to select multiple locations, you can accomplish this by creating an IDX link and applying it to the widget:

  • Display: With this setting, you can choose to display All listings, New, Recent Price Changes, Open Houses, or (if your MLS allows solds in IDX) Recent Sales.

  • Sort By: Choose the default sort for your wdiget:

  • Additional Fields to Show: Include bedrooms, bathrooms and square feet details on each listing.

  • Send Users To:  When a user submits their search, you can choose how they view the results…

    • my search results (recommended) – Displays the listing details on your page, this option is best for SEO/indexing purposes.
    • a flexmls IDX frame – Displays the results in an IDX Smart Frame on your page (iframe).

  • When Slideshow Photo Is Clicked Send Users To: This option allows you to control what your users will see after clicking on a photo in the slideshow widget.

    • Large Photo View: This will open a modal window and display a larger version of the listing photo.
    • Listing Detail: This option will bring your users to the listing detail sheet.